
this is a place for my random thoughts, memories and to act as a general place for me to flush out the many things that i postulate on. it is intended for no purpose what so ever other than to entertain myself and practice my writing. maybe in some distant future my boys will find this and be able to take a peak inside their dad's mind. i am speaking to no one in particular and one of things that i want to concentrate on heavily is to keep the narcissism out of this blog. i will not win the noble peace prize with it and don't want to. i do not want to get into the habit of checking it a thousand times a day to see if i got any likes or comments. i want this space to be as real and close to resembling me as possible and vise verse.

Friday, January 28, 2011

blabber blabber blabber...

     i am a fan of Hemingway and i think it is time to pick up one of his books and stroll through that instead the stuff i have been lately.  i like his work very much.  i have read a few of his books and most, if not all, of his short stories.  i think that i have put him on hold for so long for a good reason though.  once i have read all his work then what.  once you finish all of them that's it.  there won't be any more.  it's like having a rare wine.  open it, finish it and then that's it.  you can't run to the store and buy more or go online and order's just gone.  anyway.

     my co-worker just played a quote on his computer from John Lennon.  something to the effect of...."  i am not afraid of dying because i don't believe in it, it's just like getting out of one car and getting into another.."  he said this in his last interview.  that's just kind of crazy.  i hope he believed in what he was saying.

     i feel better today than i have in the past few weeks.  making better decisions, having better days, those days lead to weeks and so on.  i hate to be shallow but it's also nice to be smiled at.  i don't really need to flirt and hooking up would be a world of useless trouble.  but when some one smiles at you and you can tell that it's heart felt and says more than just hello it's nice.  i think i am a pretty simple guy and that's usually all it takes for me to have a warm and fuzzy feeling for a while.  anything more than that is wasteful, glutenous and pointless.  from what i understand it's all pretty healthy to.

     i am bored.  sitting here at work is boring.  i guess i could work.  lord knows it's there and not going anywhere.  as a matter of fact soon we are going to need some materials that i should have had completed by now.  i am still probably not going to do it though.  funny huh?  i was just talking about making better decisions.  they'll get over it.

     my avocado plant is doing well.  i was gone for a week and then it just popped up.  really, from pretty much nothing to a five inch tree.  i think that's pretty good for a week.  wonder what happened.  i think that maybe by talking to it i gave some carbon dioxide that it needed.  yeah..... maybe not.  no matter how many times i spell avocado i always spell it wrong.  this last time i read the corrected spelling as i typed.

     it's a really nice day.  hate to be inside.  gonna see if i can figure out a way to leave early.  i'll pretend that i am james bond and i need to get out of this russian military installation without being seen.  then when i get to school to finish some paper work i need to do for the va, i'll pretend to be james bond pretending to be wil sanchez.  they'll never see it coming.

     no, i am not high.  just having fun.  used to do it all the time when i was a kid.  just because i am 32 means i can't pretend anymore?

      (i took a little break and made the mistake of answering the phone)  i wish sometimes that the person that is supposed to be my best friend would act like my best friend a little more.  i mean really.  i have to fight against all kinds of stuff pretty much non stop.  why does she have to pile on.  i hate when i feel like my "significant other" is  i am not allowed to run around and be me because i am gonna catch shit.  i can feel myself shaking it off already though.  i am in to good a mode to let this drag me down.

     anyway.  it's time for mr. bond to make a break for it.  wish me luck.  if i am not back in two days.......i won the lottery, don't come looking for me.

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